Value my property

If you have an EMERGENCY and the office is not open please contact our out of hour’s emergency number 07824 057076.

 Examples of real emergencies: 

  • Gas leaks - call Transco immediately on 0800 111 999.
  • Electrical loss of power due to mains fault only call 0800 375 675.
  • Water leaks which can't be stopped by turning off an isolation valve/ stop tap.
  • Burglaries which require doors or windows securing.
  • Locked out of the property due to faulty/collapsed lock.
  • Boiler breakdowns in extreme weather conditions.
  • Electrical wiring/installations causing sparking or shocks.

 Examples of non-emergencies:

  • Blocked drains or sinks.
  • Lost Keys - A spare key maybe available or a lock change will be required - we will charge an emergency call out charge and materials.
  • Broken kitchen appliances.
  • Blown fuses or bulbs.
  • Boiler breakdowns in mild weather conditions.
  • Any other remedial faults

Please note that if a contractor is called out for a non-emergency you may be charged

Please e mail  if you would like to report an issue or problem at your property.